Jul 25, 2011

I hate my butt

Seriously, right now I hate it so much it's not even funny. Maybe I should extend it to hating my hips in general. *snort* I've been trying to get the corset wraps finished up and kept running into problems. I got the iron and starch out and put the horizontal pleats into it to mimic the look of an actual wrap. Took a while, felt really proud of myself when I finished. They looked so pretty. ^-^

Then I sat down and started working on getting things bunched right to pull it all on and have the wraps stay in place. Got all the stuff pinned in place, pulled it on. . .and realized that it was so not going to work because my rear is so much larger than my waist. *sigh* The difference in fabric lengths was causing it to bunch horribly. I always make these sort of simple mistakes. *chuckle* So it was back to the drawing board with Pere to try to figure out how I could fix it. After going for a walk, I approached it from a new angle that seems to be working. I've currently got all the pleats cut into individual strips which we've been pinning in place while I wear the "corset" base. Though I did realize just how badly I need to lose weight. That's the only time I've ever gotten light headed and sick from wearing a corset for that little amount of time. >_< So we've got one final strand to finish up because I had to pull it off before I dropped, but once we get that strip pinned into place it's tedious sewing time as I need to stitch the ends down to the other half of the corset, stitch them together to make the part with the hook and eyes that will close the wrap over the zipper, and do some light stitching at the top and bottom to keep those wraps in place with minimal adjustment every time I pull it on and off.

Also working on figuring out a solution for my helmet visor. The clear polycarbonate that Pere had lying around ended up messing up (once again, my own fault. . .it was a bit too hot when I put it in the helmet to form it and it apparently melted some of the plastic from the nubs of the old visor onto it). *sigh* So, trying to figure that whole mess out with my limited budget before D*con.

On a slightly unrelated note, I sort of forgot that it was coming up on my birthday. :( And it looks like all my birthday money plus probably some of what I make weeding the yard here will be going towards my new hair cut and getting it dyed before D*con. Yeah, the dye isn't necessary, but a hair cut is, and it's sort of my habit to have it dyed red before conventions and with this hair cut I'm looking at I think the color will be better than my natural color. Fingers crossed that works out for me. (Also, fingers crossed a possible job comes about . . .I'll hopefully know after Tuesday.)

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