Jan 7, 2013

Event Report: Star Wars Reads Day (Silverdale Banes and Noble)

(I am so incredibly ashamed I didn't have this posted sooner. It's actually been typed up since the event, but for some reason I only saved it as a draft and never published it until now. >_< My bad guys.)

Star Wars Reads Day was an event by DK Publishing and LFL held nationwide at libraries and bookstores on October 6, 2012. I signed Terentatek Clan up for the one at the Silverdale Barnes and Noble since we've been trying to get more members on this side of the water.

Myself, Uloadus, K'raysh, Trengence, and Pere all made it out there. K'raysh was going to be in kit, but unfortunately his visor broke the night before while he was trying to install it into his new helmet so he ended up just being a spotter.

We had a lot of fun at the event. One of the B&N booksellers was dressed up as Princess Leia, and she did the story time as well as showing the kids how to make origami Yodas. We mostly wandered around the store (hanging out primarily near the kid's section, customer service, and the front) posing for pictures with people and answering questions about the club. After story time we posed for a group photo with Leia and the kids, then individual pictures and talking with people while the origami stuff was going on. (I fully admit I also went over to the coloring station and made a pretty pink and blue colored mando. <_<    >_>)

Last thing for the day was a raffle for some posters and books. Leia held the box and read the winners aloud while I drew them. We hung around for a little while after the raffle to talk to some potential recruits (or at the very least people who found the costuming interesting lol) then dekitted and headed to the cafe to relax and chat for a bit. All in all, I really enjoyed this event and hope they do another one next year.

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